About me
Hi, I’m Santi! I can’t wait to help you achieve a more balanced life.

I am a mother… partner… daughter… sister… friend… doctor… and healer.
In my doctoring life, I practice General Pediatrics and Pediatric Integrative Medicine. I am a Clinical Assistant Professor in Pediatrics. I graduated from Drexel University College of Medicine, completed my pediatrics training at the Children’s Hospital of Montefiore, and pursued a fellowship in Integrative Medicine at the Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine. I have a special interest in Mind-Body Medicine, and have additional trainings in meditation, Mindfulness, Clinical Hypnosis, Reiki, and Ayurvedic Lifestyle. I am a HeartMath Biofeedback Trauma-Sensitive Certified Practitioner. I also obtained training as a life coach through The Life Coach School. I have always had an interest in the area of emotional wellness. I have been presenting lectures, leading workshops, and organizing retreats geared toward physician and health care provider wellness since 2007. Outside of my work as a pediatrician, I am founder and president of Integrative Approaches to Mastering Wellness, LLC (affectionately called I AM Well, MD). Here, I use the power of life coaching and the wisdom of mind body therapies in an evidence-based way to help individuals build resilience and break through their internal glass ceilings. I take pride in watching my clients develop their internal resources and transform their lives from the inside out. I work with clients as young as age 5, up through and including adulthood. I also work with health care professionals who are suffering from burnout and moral injury. I offer one-on-one sessions and group sessions. I also engage in larger speaking arrangements at academic institutions and in corporate settings.
If you are interested in learning more about me and my philosophy on wellness, click here to visit my YouTube channel!
Why did I choose to become a life coach?
There is an intimate relationship between emotional wellness and one’s personal beliefs. I have always been fascinated by the roles that upbringing, culture, psychology, and spirituality play in how a person defines themself and the world they live in.
Coaching has taught me how much my beliefs allowed me to achieve success. It also taught me how much I had been limiting myself. Some of these limiting beliefs were unknowingly created by me. Some of them were taught to me, whether it was through my family, culture (both Indian and American culture), friends, heck, even TV, movies, and books. The list could go on and on.
I didn’t even realize that my beliefs about myself and my place in the world were limiting me. This sudden realization made me see how I had accidentally put myself into a glass cage. Everything inside my cage was amazing. And yet… something didn’t feel right. When I started to become aware of the self-limiting beliefs that were present, all of a sudden, the glass cage began to crack. Soon after, every wall shattered, and so did the proverbial glass ceiling. Suddenly, I was free. Up until that point, I didn’t know I was even trapped.
The most remarkable part is this: in that moment, nothing external to me had changed. Yet, suddenly, I felt like I could soar. And that’s what I’ve done, ever since.
This is what coaching has done for me.
I am forever grateful.
I am ready to help you find awareness and give you the tools to change your life as well.
What is Life Coaching?
Life coaches help their clients with improving their day-to-day lives. We talk with our clients about a variety of topics, including:
- perfectionism
- self-confidence
- relationships (with colleagues, friends, family, and most importantly - yourself)
- expectations
- boundaries
- goal-setting
- time management
and so much more.
We can help you to identify obstacles and create strategies to overcome them.
We will provide you with tools that you will be able to carry with you life-long into any situation:
Tools that can help you decrease stress, reduce burnout, decrease emotional exhaustion, and build resilience.
Tools that can deepen your satisfaction with the amazing things that are already in your life - like your family, friends, and career.
Tools that can help you find peace amidst storms.
Tools that can help you pivot, so that you can propel yourself forward in ways that you didn't think were possible.
The research is emerging. Take a peek at these articles - these articles illustrate the positive impact that coaching had on physicians:
- Effect of a Professional Coaching Intervention on the Well-being and Distress of Physicians: A Pilot Randomized Clinical Trial - JAMA
- Effect of a Novel Online Group-Coaching Program to Reduce Burnout in Female Resident Physicians: A Randomized Clinical Trial - Published in JAMA
Just for a moment, imagine what your life could be like on the other side.
What would it be like if your inner critic was quiet?
What would it be like if you could play with your kids after work and not feel guilty about all the things on your to-do list that weren't yet done?
What would it be like if you could let go of people-pleasing?
What would it be like if you could set your baggage from the past down and move forward?
What would it be like if you could create a future on your terms?
It's possible - but only if you begin to create the vision and take steps to work towards it.
What are Mind-Body Therapies?
The foundation for Mind-body therapies rests on the idea that the mind and body are connected.
It uses the power of thoughts and feelings to influence physical and emotional heath.
Mind-body modalities I commonly use to help my clients include:
- Mindfulness techniques
- Meditation
- Guided Imagery
- Biofeedback (HeartMath)
- Clinical Hypnosis
- Reiki
- Ayurvedic Lifestyle
I use these practices independently or weave them into coaching based on the ever-evolving needs of my clients. These modalities can help reduce stress and increase self-compassion. They allow my clients to experience a new level of wellness and wholeness. These effects are not just limited to the client; there is often a palpable ripple effect that is created, too.
This unique, dynamic combination of Life Coaching and Mind-Body can create a sense of balance and inspiration.
Are you ready?
I'm ready to learn more!